UPDATE: The Ruby Concordion Project is pretty much inactive. This blog post is here for my own ego.
There aren't many tutorials out there about Ruby's version of Concordion so I figured that I would help you get started. In this post, I will give you some guidance on how to get started working with Rails 2.0+. The artifacts that concordion requires are:
- Directories for your specifications
- Directories for your instrumentation code, a.k.a. fixtures
- Directories to output your test results
- An easy way to include concordion functionality into your test suite
- Provide Rake tasks to run with your build
Create a directory to store your specifications:
Create a directory to store your instrumentation code:
Add a
that will make it easy to use Concordion:==============================================================
#I guess you don't really need this line
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test"
#This adds your specification directory to the Ruby load path
$:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','specs')
#Lazily assign the output directory that concordion will write to
ENV['RCOR_OUTPUT_DIR'] ||= File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname( __FILE__)),'..','spec-output')
#Load the existing Rails test helper
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..","..","test_helper")
#The Concordion main module
require 'concordion/test_methods'
#Decorates all classes that inherit from TestCase class with concordion functionality
class Test::Unit::TestCase
def self.inherited(child)
child.send(:include, Concordion::TestMethods)
Create a Rake task to run your fixtures as part of your application code:
require 'rake/clean' #Set the directory where all of the test results will go ENV['RCOR_OUTPUT_DIR'] ||= File.join 'test','concordion','spec-output' #Task will create the output directory on demand directory ENV['RCOR_OUTPUT_DIR'] #Add the output directory to the clean task CLEAN.include ENV['RCOR_OUTPUT_DIR'] namespace :test do namespace :concordion do desc "Prepares the environment for running tests" task :prepare => ['clean','db:test:prepare', ENV['RCOR_OUTPUT_DIR']] end end Rake::TestTask.new('test:concordion' => 'test:concordion:prepare') do |t| t.libs << "test" t.libs << Dir[File.join('test','concordion','specs'),File.join('test','concordion','specs','**','*')].select{|item| File.directory?(item)} t.test_files = FileList[File.join('test','concordion','fixtures','**','*.rb')] t.verbose = true end============================================================================ Now you can create your specification here:
Then the instrumentation:
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"concordion_test_helper") class OrderStateRulesTest < Test::Unit::TestCase; end
That's pretty much it. In future posts I will go over how to write your first set of examples and some of the mistakes spec authors make while working with Concordion.
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